Click-through rate (CTR) is an interesting topic to bring up on discussion boards, blogs and on industrial events where web publishers gather together to talk about website publishing revenue.
As you might have read, CTR depends upon too many factors it may be acceptable for one site, great for others and lousy for other half.
There is no such thing as a good or healthy CTR. In previous blog post, I have also outlined how you should approach CTR numbers published by others.
That said, here are a few suggestions to help you improve and maximize your CTR:
- Start by optimizing your ads
- It is wise to concentrate on content first then place ad units as an exit points for readers to proceed with. Low CTR is not always bad. People may stay on your site to read pages and pages of content before leaving by clicking on ads. If you want them to click on ads, place ad units where they are most likely to be seen after reading content.
- Use AdSense (or any of the ad network you participate in) features to the max. Some of them include site targeting, tracking, preview tools, competitive ad blocking, etc.
- Maximize traffic by reusing and recycling existing visitors. If people are interested with what you have to offer, then let them in for more. Allow them to subscribe to RSS feeds or email newsletters easily. You can direct them back to your site or blog for fresh and new updates, which could result in more clicks on your ads.
Set a point where enough is enough. You don’t want to be caught in the loop of over-optimizing ad units. You may better spend your time on producing more content that translates into more pages to display ads on, or develop other traffic strategies to continually add new traffic stream that you can monetize.
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